Craig Newmark "invented" Craigslist to let his friends know about events in the Bay Area and grew it to be the content juggernaut it is today. But clouds may be gathering on the horizon. Though the power and value of the web enterprise is enormous, Newmark runs it like a Mom & Pop corner store - if you've walked past his modest two story headquarters on 9th Avenue near Judah, you know what I mean. The building looks like it could be the office of a estate agent who became weary of selling houses about seven years ago and can't wait to retire.
Here's an interview with Craig Newmark from today's edition of (The Boston Globe).
And here's a story from c| and another on on the lawsuit mentioned in that article.
Lastly, here's the Craigslist Hits Back story from The Guardian.
David Battles Goliath: Ugly stuff version.
Customer-Centric Marketing: Speaking Your Audience's Language in a Digital
[image: talk_bubbles.png]
The effectiveness of marketing strategies hinges on one fundamental
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3 months ago
Someone at some point will lead the Persians over the mountain on the goat trail.
Craig Newmark will be my guest on News Talk Online on Monday June 23 at 5 PM New York time.
To talk or listen to Newmark please go to my blog, and click on the link to the show.
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